Other HTML+TIME Elements | DHTML文档教程 |
This section contains reference information on additional features of the object model exposed by the time2 behavior, including content control elements, system test attributes, timing attributes and properties, and several overviews on introduction to html+time functionality.
about content selection: system test attributes and t:switchhtml+time 2.0 provides authors with the option to display different elements based on system settings.
Animating with keyTimes and keySplinesUsing the keytimes and keysplines attributes, you can divide an animation element's simple duration into multiple segments, speed up or slow down the animation at multiple rates during a single duration, and specify values for the animation to reach at particular points in its duration.
Getting Started with HTML+TIMEHTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions) makes it fast and easy to support timed, animated, and multimedia content on your pages.
Seeking With HTML+TIMEIn HTML+TIME various types of media, animation, and other time elements can be played over a period of time. It is often desirable to be able to jump to any point on this time line. This process of jumping to different points on a time element's time line is called seeking.
Using HTML+TIME with DirectMusicThis article briefly discusses some of the ways you can use HTML+TIME to add flexibility and control to Microsoft?DirectMusic?content on the Web.
Using the HTML+TIME Document Object Model (DOM)All HTML+TIME objects are accessible through script at run time. This article introduces you to the HTML+TIME objects, methods, events, and properties available to your Web pages.
Incorporate the time2 BehaviorThis tutorial explains how to incorporate the time2 behavior in your Web pages so you can begin using timelines, multimedia, and animation with HTML elements.
currTimeStateContains information about an HTML+TIME timeline.
switchEnables you to provide several choices and display content depending on which choice is true on the user's computer.
accelerateSets or retrieves a value that applies an acceleration to an element's timeline.
activeDurRetrieves the total duration of the timeline.
activeTimeRetrieves the current point in time along the total active timeline, including repeats and time spent in reverse mode.
activeTrackSets or retrieves the track, or playitem object, that is currently active in the playlist collection.
autoReverseSets or retrieves whether the timeline on an element begins playing in reverse immediately after completing in the forward direction.
beginSets or retrieves the delay time before the timeline begins playing on the element.
decelerateSets or retrieves a value that applies a deceleration to the end of a simple duration.
durSets or retrieves a value indicating the amount of time the element remains active or displayed.
endSets or retrieves a value indicating the end time for the element, or the end of the simple duration when the element is set to repeat.
fillSets or retrieves the action an element takes if its timeline ends before the timeline on its parent element ends.
higherControls how elements with higher priority interrupt child elements of a priorityclass element.
isActiveRetrieves a value that indicates whether the element is currently active on the timeline.
isOnRetrieves a value that specifies whether the element is active or holding on the timeline in its current state.
isPausedRetrieves a value that specifies whether the element is paused on the timeline.
lowerControls how elements that are defined with lower priority interrupt child elements of a priorityClass element.
parentTimeBeginRetrieves the current element's begin time as an offset from the parent element's begin time.
parentTimeEndRetrieves the current element's end time as an offset from the parent element's begin time.
peersControls how child elements of a priorityClass element interrupt one another.
progressRetrieves the current progress of the element's timeline.
repeatCountRetrieves the current iteration in the repetition loop.
repeatCountSets or retrieves the number of times an element's timeline repeats.
repeatDurSets or retrieves the number of seconds that an element's timeline repeats.
restartSets or retrieves the conditions under which an element can be restarted on a timeline.
segmentDurRetrieves the duration of an element on a timeline in seconds, including autoreverse.
segmentTimeRetrieves the current point in time along a segment of time.
simpleDurRetrieves the duration of a repeat iteration.
simpleTimeRetrieves an object's current point along its timeline from zero to its dur value.
speedSets or retrieves the playback speed of an element relative to its parent time container.
speedRetrieves the playback speed of an element at run time, which includes the cascading effect of the speed set for the parent time container.
stateRetrieves the current state of the element's timeline.
stateStringRetrieves the current state of the element's timeline.
syncBehaviorSets or retrieves a value that indicates the synchronization rules for the element's timeline.
syncMasterSets or retrieves whether the time container must synchronize playback to this element.
syncToleranceSets or retrieves the time variance allowed on a timeline with locked synchronization.
systemBitrateRetrieves the approximate bandwidth available to the system in bits-per-second.
systemCaptionsIndicates whether or not to display a text equivalent of the audio portion of the presentation.
systemLanguageIndicates whether a given language is selected in a user's system preferences.
systemOverdubOrSubtitleSpecifies whether overdubs or subtitles render during a presentation.
timeActionSets or retrieves what action is taken on the element while the timeline is active.
timeContainerSets or retrieves the type of timeline associated with an element.
timeParentRetrieves the parent time container element of the current element.
volumeSets or retrieves the volume of the media file.
activeTimeToParentTimeConverts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the parent timeline.
activeTimeToSegmentTimeConverts a value in the element's active timeline to the corresponding point in the segment timeline.
beginElementStarts the element on the timeline.
beginElementAtStarts an element's timeline at the specified time.
documentTimeToParentTimeConverts a value in the document timeline to the corresponding point in the element's parent timeline.
endElementStops the element on the timeline.
endElementAtEnds an element's timeline at the specified time.
parentTimeToActiveTimeConverts a value in the parent timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline.
parentTimeToDocumentTimeConverts a value in the element's parent timeline to the corresponding point in the document timeline.
pauseElementStops playing an element's timeline at the current point.
resetElementRemoves any changes made to the element and returns the element to its original state.
resumeElementRestarts the element's timeline from a paused state.
seekActiveTimeLocates a specified point on the element's active timeline and begins playing from that point.
seekToLocates a specified point on the element's segment timeline, including repetitions, and begins playing from that point.
seekToFrameLocates a specified frame in the object.
segmentTimeToActiveTimeConverts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's active timeline.
segmentTimeToSimpleTimeConverts a value in the element's segment timeline to the corresponding point in the element's simple timeline.
simpleTimeToSegmentTimeConverts a value in the element's simple timeline to the corresponding point in the element's segment timeline.
onbeginFires when the timeline starts on an element.
onendFires when the timeline stops on an element.
onmediacompleteFires when the element's associated media finish loading.
onmediaerrorFires when an element's media file causes any error.
onoutofsyncFires when the element loses synchronization with its associated timeline.
onpauseFires when the timeline on an element pauses.
onrepeatFires when the timeline repeats on an element, beginning with the second iteration.
onresetFires when the timeline reaches the value of the begin attribute or when the resetelement method is called on the element.
onresumeFires when an element's timeline resumes from a paused state.
onreverseFires when the timeline on an element begins to play backward.
onseekFires whenever a seek operation is performed on the element.
onsyncrestoredFires when synchronization is resumed between the element and its associated timeline.
ontimeerrorFires whenever a time-specific error occurs, usually as a result of setting a property to an invalid value.