parentTimeEnd参数属性 | DHTML中文手册 |
Retrieves the current element's end time as an offset from the parent element's begin time.
[ iTime = ] currTimeState.parentTimeEnd
iTime Integer that receives the current element's end time, in seconds. The property is read-only. The property has no default value.
This property represents the sum of the parenttimebegin and activedur properties. for example, if an element has a begin time of four seconds, a duration (dur) of 10 seconds, and autoreverse set to true, the value of the parenttimeend property will be 24 seconds.
This example uses the parentTimeEnd property to retrieve the current element's end time.
<HTML XMLNS:t="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time"> <HEAD> <TITLE>parentTimeEnd Property</TITLE> <SCRIPT> function getValue(){ parentBegin.innerText += div1.currTimeState.parentTimeEnd + ' second(s)'; } </SCRIPT> <STYLE> .time { behavior: url(#default#time2) } </STYLE> <?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2"> </HEAD> <BODY TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 BGPROPERTIES="fixed" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#000000"> <B>Document timer:</B> <SPAN id="Timer1" class="time" dur=".01" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="hold" onrepeat="innerText=parseInt(document.body.currTimeState.activeTime);">0</SPAN> <BR> <B>Time container timer:</B> <SPAN id="Timer2" class="time" dur=".01" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="hold" onrepeat="innerText=parseInt(t1.currTimeState.activeTime);">0</SPAN> <BR><BR> <t:excl ID="t1" repeatDur="indefinite" onbegin="getValue();"> <DIV ID="div1" CLASS="time" BEGIN="4" DUR="10" autoReverse="true" style="position:relative;top:5px;left:0px;width:550px;height:100px; background-color:yellow;text-align:center;font-size:large"> This div begins at 4 seconds and has a duration of 10 seconds. Its autoReverse property is set to "true". </DIV> </t:excl> <BR> <B>parentTimeEnd</B><SPAN id="parentBegin"> - Element's end time as an offset from parent element's begin time: </SPAN><BR> </BODY> </HTML>
This property is a Microsoft extension to Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
Applies To
Introduction to HTML+TIME