


Retrieves the current state of the element's timeline.


[ sState = ] currTimeState.stateString


sStateString that receives one of the following values.
unknownTimeline is in an unknown state.
activeTimeline is active.
cueingTimeline is cueing the media file.
holdingTimeline is holding on the current element, waiting for the parent element's timeline to end.
inactiveTimeline is inactive.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


An element is active when it is in either a cueing or seeking state. Note that these two states apply only to elements containing media that can be played, such as an audio or video file.

Elements with the fill attribute set to hold or freeze will wait to synchronize with other elements on the page. an element is inactive when it is in a holding state. when an element is inactive, it can neither generate nor respond to events.

to retrieve the statestring value as an integer, use the state property.


This example uses the stateString property to retrieve the current state of the element's timeline as a string.

<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">
<TITLE>stateString Property</TITLE>
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
// Update each button based on the current timeline state
function updateBtns() {
switch (m1.currTimeState.stateString) {
case "active":
if (m1.currTimeState.isPaused == true) {
playBtn.disabled = true;
stopBtn.disabled = false;
pauseBtn.disabled = true;
resumeBtn.disabled = false;
else {
playBtn.disabled = true;
stopBtn.disabled = false;
pauseBtn.disabled = false;
resumeBtn.disabled = true;
case "inactive":
playBtn.disabled = false;
stopBtn.disabled = true;
pauseBtn.disabled = true;
resumeBtn.disabled = true;
case "holding":
playBtn.disabled = false;
stopBtn.disabled = true;
pauseBtn.disabled = true;
resumeBtn.disabled = true;
<SCRIPT FOR="document" EVENT="onclick" LANGUAGE="JScript">
.time{ behavior: url(#default#time2);}
<BODY onload="updateBtns()">
Click the Current State button at any time to retrieve the string value of the
element's current state. To start the movie clip, click the Begin button.
<t:video class="time" id="m1" begin="indefinite"
src="../../common/samples/author/behaviors/media/movie.avi" fill="remove"/>
<SPAN id="stateString1" style="position:absolute;top:255px;">
State: inactive</SPAN>
<P style="position:absolute;top:280px;">
<BUTTON id="b1"
onclick="stateString1.innerText='State: '+m1.currTimeState.stateString">
Current state
<BUTTON id="playBtn" onclick="m1.beginElement();">Begin</BUTTON>
<BUTTON id="pauseBtn" onclick="m1.pauseElement();">Pause</BUTTON>
<BUTTON id="resumeBtn" onclick="m1.resumeElement();">Resume</BUTTON>
<BUTTON id="stopBtn"
onclick="m1.endElement();stateString1.innerText='State: inactive'">Stop
This feature requires Microsoft?Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.


This property is a Microsoft extension to Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) Non-Microsoft link.

Applies To



introduction to html+time, activeelements, isactive, ison, isPaused