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上一篇教材 宏博CMS网站内容管理系统 收集整理 | Chapter 5. Variable Modifiers[变量调节器] | 下一篇教材 |
Parameter Position参数位置 | Type参数类型 | Required必需 | Default默认 | Description描述 |
1 | integer | No | 80 | This determines how many characters to truncate to. 截取字符的数量 |
2 | string | No | ... | This is the text to append if truncation occurs. 截取后追加在截取词后面的字符串 |
3 | boolean | No | false | This determines whether or not to truncate at a word boundary (false), or at
the exact character (true). 是截取到词的边界(假)还是精确到字符(真) |
This truncates a variable to a character length, default is 80.
As an optional second parameter, you can specify a string of text to display
at the end if the variable was truncated. The characters in the string are
included with the original truncation length.
By default, truncate will attempt to cut off at a word boundary.
If you want to cut off at the exact character length, pass the optional third
parameter of true.
上一篇教材 宏博CMS网站内容管理系统 收集整理 | Smarty中文手册的主目录 | 下一篇教材 |
strip_tags[去除Html标签] | Smarty章节目录 | upper[大写] |