syncTolerance Property?deprecated) | DHTML中文手册 |
retrieves the time variance allowed on a timeline with locked synchronization.
xml n/a scripting [ stime = ] object.synctolerance
sTime String that receives the amount of time variance, in seconds, allowed between synchronized elements. The property is read-only. The property has no default value.
This property is valid only for time containers with locked timelines, as defined using the t:syncbehavior and t:clocksource attributes. once the synchronization of locked elements is off by more than the synctolerance value, the elements resynchronize.
This property is defined in HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions) 1.0
Applies To
t:AUDIO, t:IMG, t:MEDIA, t:PAR, t:SEQ, time, t:VIDEO
Introduction to HTML+TIME