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windown环境下的PHP MYSQL APACHE ZEND PHPMyAdmin 五合一安装程序
  •  添加时间:2006-08-10 发表时间:2006-08-10 人气:10730
  • 为了方便PHP开发人员在window开发环境下调试HBCMS等php+mysql的程序,

    我们特意向大家推荐一款只需要1分钟,就可以安装好 Apache、PHP、MySQL、PhpMyAdmin和Zend Optimizer 的 all-in-one 安装配置工具

    1. HBcms建站系统Windows体验版(纯绿色自解压程序,安装Apache 2+PHP 5 +MySQL 5+zend+hbcms)

    2. VertrigoServ (请看下面的介绍)

    VertrigoServ 官方介绍:

    VertrigoServ 是一个Windows平台下的非常专业的、易于安装的免费网络开发环境,它集成了Apache, PHP, MySQL, SQLite, SQLiteManager, PhpMyAdmin, Zend Optimizer。采用方便的集成安装包,所有组件安装于统一目录下,安装完成后,无须配置即可使用。具有卸载程序。VertrigoServ无论对于初学者还是高级用户都非常合适。

    Project information

    Vertrigo (WAMP)

    VertrigoServ was developed to make available a highly professional and easily installable package of

    Apache (HTTP web server),
    PHP (reflective programming language),
    MySQL (multithreaded, multi-user, SQL Database Management System),
    SQLite (ACID-compliant relational database management system),
    SQLiteManager (multilingual web based tool to manage SQLite database),
    (tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL)
    Zend Optimizer (which increases runtime performance up to 40%)

    for Windows platform. With a convenient all-in-one installer, all components are installed in a single directory and can be used immediately after the installation process has copleted.

    An uninstaller allows you to remove the VertrigoServ from hard disc. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible and is therefore highly suitable for internet distribution.

    VertrigoServ is excellent both for beginners and for advanced users.


    注意:安装后,数据库mysql的用户名是root,默认密码是 vertrigo

    下载HBCMS: 点击这里: 免费下载  安装时,数据库用户名是 root,密码请填写:vertrigo

    软件主页: http://vertrigo.sourceforge.net/
    http://vertrigo.sourceforge.net/?lang=cn (中文)

    国内的下载地址: http://www.baidu.com/s?lm=0&si=&rn=10&ie=gb2312&ct=0&wd=VertrigoServ%CF%C2%D4%D8


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  • 相关评论
    • 2009-05-17评论人:good
    • 用了,挺好的。功能比较齐全,谢谢了。
    • 2009-05-03评论人:往亊囙菋
    • 没读到什么书。 我都看不懂。。。
    • 2007-01-12评论人:www.838383.cn
    • 我安装了好几次,都没成功。QQ:195999839黄山吧www.05598.com
    • 2007-01-12评论人:www.05598.com
    • 不太好安装呀
    • 2006-12-27评论人:一路走来
    • 我QQ3208544697 [email protected]
    • 2006-12-27评论人:一路走来
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      MDB2 Error: connect failed
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